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What's Happening Week of 12-19-22


Skill of the Week is (no contact) sparring skills and drills

CYCLONES By popular request by our acrobats, we are running extra classes this THURSDAY 12/22 at 3:25, 4:15 and 5:15PM. If you would like to attend one (or more) of these classes, please email us your class choice asap. The cost is $40. Only for current Cyclone students.

*We will have open drop in classes on MLK Day for anyone 6 years +. (So tell your friends!)


We will be closed Saturday 12/24- Saturday 12/31. We will reopen MONDAY 1/2/23 with regularly scheduled TKD classes only. There are no acrobatics classes.

Happy Birthday wishes to Brigitta R., Benjamin C., Adam E., Brett L., Chase S., and Riley C.

We wish everyone a safe and very special holiday season. We hope you are all spending time with loved ones and will reach out to those who are struggling at this time. Commit random acts of kindness whenever you are given the opportunity.

Thank you for a wonderful year of dedication and commitment, understanding and flexibility, and growing and sharing the rewards of our journey together. You make everyday matter, and we hope you feel that way too whenever you are here.

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