Skill of the Week is Sparring Skills and Drills (no contact).
Welcome Back! We hope you are all settling into your back- to- school routine. Remember to BE KIND- keep an eye out for others who are struggling to fit in or get into the groove. A small act of kindness can mean the world to them, not to mention how empowering it will make you feel!
DID YOU PICK YOUR CLASSES? The new school schedule begins tomorrow (9/6). If you have not contacted us with your class choice, please do so right away!
Click here to see the schedule:
Please make sure the app (Wellness Living Achieve) is working for you. You will be able to manage your/ your child’s schedule there. This is the system to utilize to cancel any upcoming classes to have makeup classes on your account. You can then book makeup classes for up to 3 months.
Click here for app set up and make up policy details:
If you are having any technical difficulties, please let us know so we can help you resolve it asap!
Friday 9/9- Zeppy Turns 2! Join us for a little birthday celebration from 6:00-6:45 PM. RSVP required by Tuesday 9/6. For space and safety reasons, there are limited spots.
In lieu of gifts- Voluntary cash donation of any amount will be collected for the Rescue City organization who rescued Zeppy and his sibs from a shelter in North Carolina.
Sunday 9/18-Party in the Park Come visit or help out at our booth 1-4PM. Our demonstration team will be performing (time to be advised) for their first appearance of the new season!
Thursday 9/22-Port Outdoors Let’s hope for great weather for this community event from 4-7PM. Those of you coming for classes should allow extra time to find parking and get to the dojang on time. We will be performing in the street in front of the Landmark’s Blumenfeld Family Park at 6PM. Please enjoy the festivities on the street and come cheer on the team!
Saturday 9/24- THE BIGGIE!!! Pride in Port Parade Calling EVERYONE to join us in uniform for the parade on Saturday 9/24! Before the parade gets started, our Demo team will be performing in front of the Grand Stand at 11AM. Meet us there (at the train station) to cheer on the performers, and then we will head back to the lineup area in the parking lot behind Carlos. Parents, siblings, relatives, and friends are all invited to march with us. Let’s have an all-time big turn out this year!
WANT TO JOIN OUR TKD DEMONSTRATION TEAM? We welcome our newest members who have already joined us for this coming season. If you would like to join the team and are willing to make the commitment to the practices and main performance events, WE WANT YOU! The General Team practice is Wednesdays at 5:50-5:50PM and the Dance Team meets Thursdays at 5:30-6:15PM. For more details, please contact Master Helen or Master Mack.
CYCLONES ACROBATIX is starting soon! Monday session begins on 9/12 and Thursday session begins on 9/22. We will notify students who need a training uniform once they arrive. In the meantime, if you still have not handed in all the sign up forms, etc, please be sure to do so this week. If you are e-sending, please attached scanned PDF files (no pics).
Happy Birthday wishes to Simon G., Amelia L., Mattea S., and Maya D.
Thank you and see you on the mat!