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What's Happening Week of 11-7-22


Skill of the Week is POOMSAE & DISCIPLINE

Class Schedule Even though there are three “no school” days this week, all TKD AND Acrobatics classes are running AS SCHEDULED!

Reminder to TKD Students- If you are not coming to your class this week, be sure to cancel in time (min 3 hours before), in order to have a makeup class on your account! If you having an issue doing so, please let us know so we can help.

TKD Promotion Test Review is Tuesday 11/8 at 6:00PM- no sign up required. Candidates who are deemed ready to test by your master (and finally by your parents), will receive test details and parent evaluation email by Tuesday. If you are not sure whether you testing or not, you can confirm with us via email.

Last minute addition!! DROP IN ACROBATIX class on Thursday 11/10 at 2:30PM. Open to all ages 6-14 years. Limited spots! Tell your friends! Click here for details:

Registration for CYCLONES ACROBATIX SESSION II Priority registration has begun for current Cyclone members. If you wish to continue for session II that begins in February, please send let us know via email by November 30th. On December 1st, any unconfirmed spots will be made available to new students.

TKD students who are interested in joining our acrobatics program will be placed at the top of the wait list. If you want to sign up, please let us know by 11/30, so we can contact you if there are any spots. Open to all from ages 6 years and up.

General registration for interested participants who are not current Blue Moon members will begin after the new year.

COMING SOON! SELF DEFENSE for Adults- Afternoon Series Everyone should be familiar and ready to execute basic self-defense skills. Our Self Defense 4 week series for adults on Thursdays at 1PM is starting soon! The dates are 11/17, 11/21, 12/8, 12/15. The course will be led by the One and Only Master Steven! Click here for more details: If you'd like to join, please let us know!

Thanksgiving 2022 Family Class We will be offering our special Thanksgiving Day Family TKD Classes on Thursday, November 24th. This gathering is one of our favorites and really sets the tone of gratitude for the day and start of the holiday season. It's a most wonderful sharing experience for a good cause!

Participation is donation based to benefit the Lady of Fatima Food Pantry.

Details to follow soon!

Happy Birthday wishes to Jackson M., Harlie R., Lauren K., Connor N. and our very own Master Mack!!

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