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What's Happening Week of 11/15/21


Skill of the Week is Agility and Focus.

November Promotion Test Congratulations to our Champions who promoted yesterday-

1st Group-Lauren K, Brady K, Adam E., Chloe J, Lillie T, Ashleigh A., Alexa M., Ryan B.

2nd Group- Leonardo S., Kai H., Amea Kay H., Michael A., Manav G. and Kelly K.

3rd Group- Jacob L., Allison L, Michael M., Bill M., and Instructor Charlotte

Everyone worked hard to earn their new belt!

Make up Promotion Test. Wednesday 11/17 6:30 PM.

Veteran’s Day Workshop Thank you everyone who joined our first Martial Arts Workshop. It was a wonderful afternoon of learning new and advanced skills while having fun! Special thanks to Instructor Galo, who introduced the Afro-Brazilian Martial Art, Capoeira, to the group.

We look forward to the next one in the works for Martin Luther King Day!

Usual Reminders ~ TKD Uniforms- We are back to our regular “dobok” uniform (the top with the long sleeves) or school hoodie. If you can’t bear to put away your short sleeve training shirt, please wear it underneath!

~TKD Absences and Makeups- If you cannot make your scheduled class and want to come for a makeup another time, you need to CANCEL your spot no later than 12PM the day of class (or by 6PM Friday for Saturday class) on the Wellness Living Achieve App.

It’s quick and easy and affords the space for another student to book a makeup and for your child to be able to do the same in the future.

We really appreciate your email and phone communications, so we are not worrying about you/your child, but unfortunately, at the last minute, we can’t efficiently maintain those attendance adjustments to your account.

If you having trouble managing your/your child’s account, please make sure you have signed the online waiver to gain access.

For details and more information, please check out


Acrobatix Training Attire- Please come to class in your training shirt and leggings and your hair tied back. If you are interested in optional mat shoes, please see the links above under the TKD uniform information.

PRIORITY SIGN UP FOR SESSION II- If you wish to continue acrobatic for the Winter/Spring 2022 session which starts on 1/31/22 for Monday students and 2/10/21 for Thursday students, please let us know via email NO LATER THAN December 1st.

After that date, open spots will be made available to people on the wait list starting with current TKD members. Due to the limited spots in each class, we won't be able to keep yours once it is secured by a new student.

We don't want any of you to be disappointed, so please confirm before or by December 1st to keep your place in your class.


We will be closed on Thursday 11/25 and Friday 11/26. Regular classes will be happening on Saturday 11/27. Students who will be missing class can book their makeups in advance.

Happy Birthday wishes to: Leo M., Kai H., Eden G., Chloe J.

As the hectic vibe of the holidays begins, just a reminder to breathe, “stay in the moment” and appreciate the reason for it all. We have so much to be grateful for!

Thank you and see you on the mat.

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