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What's Happening Week of 11-6-23

Skill of the Week is Strength and Determination. Get ready to build your stamina!

November Promotion Test

Congratulations to our champions who promoted this weekend!

Group 1- Reyna L., Vincent F., Evan C., Guilia M., Emmet Z., and Logan L.

Group 2- Ashleigh A., Jackson M., Saretta D., Oz S., Billie S. and Sophie W.

Group 3- Matthew M., Xavier D., Luke S., Mia S., Amea-Kay H., and Maximus V.

Gold Cup Champions Tournament

BIg WOOHOO to our champions who competed at the Gold Cup Championships on Saturday!

This was our first all school competition and although not everyone came home with a medal, you are all winners for the incredible effort, spirit and sportsmanship you displayed throughout the day! Thank you for proudly representing our school!

This Week’s Classes

Tuesday- All classes will run as scheduled!

Thursday- All TKD classes will run as scheduled!

There is NO Cyclone Acrobatix classes on Friday.

Friday- Veterans Day Observed

All TKD classes will run as scheduled!

Thanksgiving and Early Makeup Classes

Since we will be closed Thursday 11/23-25 for Thanksgiving, you may want to consider scheduling “pre-makeup” classes on the many NO SCHOOL days this week if you will be missing your regularly scheduled class over the Thanksgiving break.

You can schedule your class on the app. If you have any difficulty, please send us an email and we will put you in.

If you cannot come before, your makeup class(es) will still be available to you for 3 months.


This is a late friendly reminder that it’s time to pack away your warm weather training shirt and shorts and attend class in your full uniform or black hoodie*

Please remember that layering shirts under your dobak top must be white or black. Also, if you are wearing another layer of bottoms under your uniform pants, they must not be hanging below the bottoms.


Acrobats may opt to wear your performance leggings or a basic SOLID black form fitting leggings under your BM Soffe shorts with your white top. Please keep it simple!

And thank you for continuing to follow the training uniform requirement.


The chilly weather is coming and everyone loves our cozy comfy Blue Moon Hoodie!

Wear it on the mat, to school or at home. If you’d like (another) one, you can get 20% off until Saturday 11/18 or while our current stash lasts. CASH ONLY.

Invitation to our TKD DEMO TEAM!

For our Tornado, Hurricane and Teen students- if you would like to join our demo team as we prepare for the coming performance season, please let me know! Training together as a cohesive team and performing in public is an invaluable experience and provides wonderful community service opportunities.

The weekly practice is on Wednesdays at 5:15PM. There is no additional cost to participate, but you must commit to the practices, rehearsals and main performance dates. You will only need to purchase a demo uniform and shoes.

Our performances include Pride in Port, Party in the Park, Asian American Festival, Harborfest, Year End Showcase at the Jeanne Rimsky Theatre and more!

Happy Birthday wishes to Kyla M., Sienna G., Soli V., Ariya M., Master Mack, Connor N. and Lauren K.

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